Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sew Sassy Cute Couture Debut

So I've finally hunkered down and learned how to use my sewing machine... and learn to sew! I say finally because I bought my "new" sewing machine when I was pregnant with my son, ummm, almost FOUR YEARS AGO! It has never been used since I got it because it just seemed too overwhelming to thread it and actually sew! Well, guess what?? It's no so hard after all! A little over a week ago I thought, this is ridiculous, I'm constantly buying stuff on that I simply love and I'm sure I could make. I just LOVE ruffle pants, apron dresses, peasant tops etc. And I LOVE brands like Persnickety, Matilda Jane and Giggle Moon with these adorable styles, but they're just a little too pricey to be buying all the time. I do sneak them in when I can get away with it, but why not LEARN to make this stuff?? So I set out and found some great tutorials on how to make these little outfits. (I need to hurry because my youngest daughter is five and I know she won't allow me to dress her like this for much longer!)

The first tutorial I searched for was for the ruffled pants. The easiest and user-friendly tutorial I found was on a blog called She has a post titled, "Fast, Easy, Stinkin' Cute Ruffle Pants." and she was right!! She made it soooo easy to make ruffled pants... and cuffs for a shirt! I used some left over material from Maddison's halloween costume that I made, so they're kinda funky, but not bad for my very first thing I've sewn! She also had a great tutorial on applique shirts. So  I used an old, too small shirt and practiced with that. Below are my results:

I don't love, or even really like the turkey, but hey it was good practice!
I seriously have become obsessed with learning to sew so I attempted another pair of ruffle pants, a bib shirt and yes, a tie for my little man! You know how I love to match!!

Then came a dress. I used another one of my daughter's old, too small shirts and turned it into a dress. Now this was seriously the easiest thing ever!! 

And for my final project for the guessed it, another pair of ruffled pants and bib shirt, but this time with a headband to match! 

For the bib shirt, I found another great blog called Bless Our Nest, which you can find over at She laid it all out so easily! I think my ruffles are a bit too big on the shirt, but again, I'll take it for my first attempt :).

Now my next goal is to learn how to use an actual pattern. I bought several a few days ago at JoAnn Fabrics for $1 each that are so so super cute. I'm just a little overwhelmed with all the pattern instructions etc, so a friend is going to help me learn how to do it all the right way, lol! I'll let you know how it goes! In the meantime, thanks for checking out my stuff! It's been so much fun!
<3 Sassy Jules

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