Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year's from JJ and Jules!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Sassy Shop

Have you seen our newest page, Sassy Shop?? If not please check us out! Currently we have three adorable matching mother- daughter apron sets available for purchase. Make sure to check back often, as we will be updating with other great home and gift items! AND some of JJ's amazing handpainted furniture will be listed soon too! (I seriously want it all!!)

Here are some previews of what is listed and how you can personalize/ customize your order!

If you see something you like, you can reach out to us/order at
and please remember we do accept custom orders!

Monday, December 15, 2014

We're back!!

Hi Sassy Friends!
I know, I know- its been sooo long since we've posted. But we have some really good excuses… I mean life changing excuses!! And there's soo much to share! First off, my family and I made the big move out West… back to ARIZONA! I would've never believed it a year ago myself and never it saw it coming, but it happened! And while my family and I are missing some really great family and friends in Ohio, I'm not gonna lie... 70 degree temps with full sunshine in December is absolutely the way to go (Sorry Ohio)! JJ and I now live less than two miles apart- we haven't lived this close since we were in highschool. Honestly, we kept pinching ourselves for the first month or two and asking, "Is this for real??" I mean really, how did two young besties manage to grow up, marry brothers that live across the country from each other and then manage to be back in the same zip code and back at it again? Simply put, its simply amazing. Anyways, in our major absence of blogging, we've been up to a lot! Lots of painting, caking, sewing and party planning.  Moving forward, I wanted to let you know that we will be back sharing our creations and listing many items for sale on our new page (coming soon) "Sassy Shop." We are even open to custom creations, whether it be cakes, painting or sewing projects. It's not too late to get some last minute gifts for Christmas too! So here's what I'm asking of you to help get the word out. IF you like what you see, Please like and share our posts, but also PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, click on the link (on our actual blog) to subscribe to our posts and add your email address to follow our blog and facebook page. We would be forever grateful! I promise you're bound to see some sassy stuff you like and may even want!  (we certainly couldn't get this up and running without your love and support!) Now off to some sassy creations before getting my littles ready for school.
Thanks for your love and support. Have a great day!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Liam's Nautical Nursery

Hi...J.J. here. So we haven't written anything in a really long time.  There are a few reasons for that. First, its really hard to get things back in order & get in the groove after Christmas...yeah I know its almost June..don't judge me :) Second, we have some exciting stuff coming up that we cant talk about quite yet but it has kept us a bit busy.  Just because we haven't written anything, doesn't mean we haven't been up to crafty stuff.

I just recently finished helping friends put together a nursery on a budget...and when I say BUDGET I mean like under $100. Here are some of the things that went into Sweet Liam's Nautical Room..

Everything was based on this bedding that his mom loved:

Mom & Dad had some old furniture they wanted reinvented & refinished

First a little nightstand makeover-

Next, fix up one of those brown book shelves that everyone had in the 70's.  I think they sent one home with every baby born, like a souvenir or something

Then we needed some stuff on the walls.  First was his name.  This was made by taking hard canvas, 4 to a package, and painted them in our theme.  Then I glued inexpensive letters painted white to the canvas.  To give it a touch more nautical feel I used rope to hang them rather than ribbon.  I bought pre-cut nautical shapes at Michaels & painted them.  Once they dried I glued them to nails & used them to hang his name.

And of course we needed some nautical art

I wanted a few pieces that didn't hang on the wall, and since these are friends from church I thought a Bible verse would be great.  So thanks to Pinterest inspiration & a piece of scrap wood this next little project cost absolutely nothing...and that was exactly what our budget called for

Finally we needed a LARGE piece to fill up a whole wall.  What to do??? Whats big enough to fill a whole wall??? Of course A WHALE. Now Canvas that size is so expensive & that didn't fit our budget.  So I thought pallet art...however I didn't have a pallet & I am way to chicken to "find" one at a grocery store or construction site or time to improvise... I went to Lowes and bought a bunch of wood & stuck it together using all of my carpentry skills & training (ZERO) and voila pallet(ish) art.

So that is Liam's Nursery.  I wish you could capture how cute all the stuff looked in his room with an iphone but you really cant & if you can...well I am not tech savvy enough to do that.  I know that mom & dad loved it, I got a thumbs up from his siblings and I'm pretty sure Liam loved it.  He's only a few months old but I could just tell, either that or he was really just enjoying his bottle.  
I choose to believe it was the room.

If anyone reading this has any need for furniture make overs, repainting or any art similar to that on this page. Please do not hesitate to message us & we would be happy to create custom pieces for you too.
